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Why Fuel Import and Consumption Declines in January - Explanation of the Union of Importers

12.02.20 18:08
According to the Union of Petroleum Importers, in January 2020 gasoline and diesel fuel imports amounted to 74.7 thousand tons in Georgia, which is 3.7 thousand tons or 4.7% less than in January 2019 (78.4 thousand tons).

“In January, traditionally, fuel imports and consumption are always significantly lower than other months of the year; this is related to New Year's Eve, harsh winter climates, when traffic is significantly reduced. Imports and consumption of petroleum products will increase significantly in the coming months,”the Importers' Union explained.

According to the countries, the largest volume of gasoline and diesel fuel has been imported from Russia in January 2020 - 23.2 thousand tons, which is 31% of total imports. Then follows Romania: 22.3 thousand tons (29.8%), Turkmenistan - 10.6 thousand tons (14.1%); Bulgaria - 8.5 thousand tons (11.3%), Turkey - 3.7 thousand tons (4.9%), Greece - 3.6 thousand tons (4.8%) and others.

To note: in January, gasoline import directly amounted to 42.0 thousand tons (a decrease of 9.7 thousand tons or 23% compared to last year), while diesel fuel imports - 32.6 thousand tons (up 5.9% from last year). Thousand tons or 18%).

According to the fuel categories, gasoline imports in January 2020 were as follows: A-91 regular-brand gasoline - 29.8 thousand tonnes or 70.9%; A-95 premium brand petrol - 12.0 thousand tons or 28.5%, A-98 super brand petrol - 0.2 thousand tons or 0.5