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bank of georgia
bank of georgia

bank of georgia • 0 Article

  • 1996: Launches the first plastic card in Georgia, the "Georgian Card."
  • 1998: Installs the first ATM in the country.
  • 2003: Pioneers SMS banking services.
  • 2006: Makes its debut on the London Stock Exchange through Global Depository Receipts (GDRs).
  • 2006: Establishes a nationwide network of self-service "Pay Box" machines.
  • 2006: Introduces internet banking ("iBank").
  • 2006: Launches mobile banking ("mBank").
  • 2007: Issues the first Georgian credit card, the "Orange Card."
  • 2008: Establishes the "Tree of Life" charity fund.
  • 2012: Achieves premium listing on the London Stock Exchange, the first company from the Caucasus region to do so.
  • 2012: Joins the FTSE 250 index,跻身全球250家最大型、最成功的公司之列。
  • 2014: Acquires Tao Private Bank.
  • 2017: Issues landmark Eurobonds denominated in 500 million GEL, marking the first time a Georgian company places international bonds in local currency.
  • 2018: Successfully completes the demerger of the "BJEO" investment group. Both Bank of Georgia and Georgia Capital shares secure premium listing on the London Stock Exchange.
  • 2019: Enables Apple Pay for its customers.
  • 2020: Develops a design system with pre-built visual elements and guidelines.
  • 2022: Launches BOG sCoolApp, the first app specifically designed for school students.
  • 2023: Unveils a new, innovative platform for business development - "Business Manager."

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