In the Year 2020 compared to the previous year the volume of business sector turnover increased by 4.9% and amounted to 114.3 billion GEL, - show the preliminary data from Geostat.
According to the report, in the Year 2020, 58.3% of total turnover comes on large and 17.9% - on medium businesses while 23.8% is distributed to small business.
A small difference is in case of total production value: 40.3% comes on large, 27.1% – on medium and 32.5% on small businesses.
The production value of the business sector is characterized by the less tendency. In the Year 2020, its volume equaled to 46.2 billion GEL, which is year-on-year 2.7% higher.
In the Year 2020, total purchases of goods and services carried out by enterprises equaled to 65.1 billion GEL, while the purchase goods and services for resale amounted 41.1 billion GEL. Both indicators are insignificant less than last year.