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15-year partnership between Basisbank and Ilia State University continues

02.08.23 10:00

Cooperation between Basisbank and Ilia State University began 15 years ago and continues successfully to this day.

Basisbank for many years financed the education of IliaUni masters, as well as internships and employment of undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students at the Bank, providing students with personal computers. The Bank contributes to equipping the material and technical base of the University.

Basisbank awarded scholarship vouchers to top-scoring applicants enrolled in internationally accredited undergraduate programs at Ilia Uni San Diego State University and freshmen of the same undergraduate program who went on to study at San Diego State University in the United States.

From 2014 to the present, Basisbank has been awarding young scientists with the Pascal Prize. The Pascal Prize is open to all those young scientists from Ilia State University who have an important international publication published in a thematic international journal included in the Thomson Reuters database.

With the financial contribution of Basisbank, graduation ceremonies of IliaUni graduates are held annually. The year 2023 was no exception, and on July 29, in the open space of building E of the university, graduates were congratulated on the transition to a new life stage and turned to the rector of the State University, Ilia Nino Dobordzhinidze, and several graduates of the undergraduate program. The official part of the event symbolically ended with the tossing of hats into the sky.

“Basisbank, as a financial institution with high social responsibility, is constantly supporting the new generation and the education sector. Within the framework of priority education support projects, we have been a loyal partner of the Ilia State University for 15 years, which is reflected in the joint projects carried out every year, and in the future we will say an important word more than once in the direction of education and encouragement of the younger generation.” - Tamar Khaduri, Head of Strategic Communications Department of Basisbank, said.

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