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65% Of The Applications Received By The Consumer Refer To The Fact Of Online Trading - Competition Agency

ონლაინ ვაჭრობა

In the direction of the protection of consumer rights, from November 2022 - to July 2023, National Competition Agency has received 317 applications and a case study has been started on 190 applications.

For 9 months, the Competition Agency signed 56 commitment agreements in favor of the consumer on 93 cases. This means the traders have made an obligation - to change its internal policy and to restore the rights of those consumers who allegedly suffered damages due to the trader’s policy in the past. The Agency is actively monitoring the process of fulfillment of obligations taken by the companies. At the time, the issue regarding the 30 commitment agreement signed in 50 cases has been completely exhausted.

In the same period, according to the Agency’s decision, the 18 facts of violations of the rights of the consumer group were confirmed -in 32 cases, and in 4 cases were not confirmed.

Due to non-fulfillment of the obligation imposed by the Agency, 3 traders were fined in 12 cases. 65% of the applications received by the consumer refer to the fact of online trading, and 35% to the case of purchasing the item on the spot. According to regions, Tbilisi continues to lead with 85%, followed by Adjara with 6% and Imereti with 5%.

According to the received applications, the demand for a refund is 96, the repair or return of a defective item is 101, the prohibition of misleading activities is 24, withdrawal from a contract without giving any reason is 18, providing information in Georgian language 14, and the rest is 64.

In the reporting period, according to the received applications, 75% is the wholesale and retail sector, 8% transport and warehousing, arts, entertainment and leisure 4%, and 13% other activities.

For information: Any person has the right to apply to the National Competition Agency, shall be not later than 2 years after such violation. The Agency shall start the investigation of an alleged violation of consumer rights if there is information that the action of a particular person(s) violates or is likely to violate the right of a group of consumers.

In the case of the confirmation of a violation, the Agency shall determine a period for a trader to restore the rights violated by it and/or to terminate the action prohibited by Law. For the failure to execute or for the improper execution of a decision of the Agency, the Agency shall impose a penalty on a trader. If, during a period of 12 months, a trader commits a violation repeatedly, he/she shall be subject to a penalty which is double the amount of the previously imposed penalty. 

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