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Amendments to the Civil Procedure Code

20.07.21 18:30
BM.GE offers its readers updates on main Georgian Legal News that came in the focus of Deloitte Legal this time.
Amendments to the Civil Procedure Code were adopted on 22 June 2021. They came into effect upon publication (on 24 June 2021). 
These amendments seek to implement the United Nations Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation in domestic law. To that end, they introduce a new procedure and fees for the following applications: 
  • to secure the enforcement of a mediation settlement; 
  • to enforce a settlement resulting from mediation; or 
  • to recognise and enforce an international mediation 
  • settlement. 
  • The new rules set out the procedure that courts must follow when reviewing such applications. They also set forth the grounds for refusing applications to recognise and enforce international mediation settlements. 

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