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Amid Russo-Ukraine War Kula Doubles Export

BMG Staff
16.08.22 10:00
“The export of Kula products to the European and U.S. markets has doubled,” Ivane Goglidze, Director of the Kula cannery told BM.GE.

Founded in 2009, Gori feeding cannery Kula produces more than 250 names of canned product: natural juices, compotes, jams, preserves, salads, sauces, pickles and tomato product. Kula is one of the leading companies in Georgia producing processed fruits and vegetables.

The company is exporting products in more than 20 countries of the world including the USA, Canada, China, Russia, Qatar, Ukraine, et al.

As Goglidze specified, if previously the company exported products worth GEL 10 million, currently the figure has skyrocket to GEL 25 million.

“Demand for products in the U.S. and European markets has increased significantly. For example, in the case of the States, the demand has grown so much that it is difficult for us to provide such a quantity. Demand grew by 30% in Germany as well. So far, previously we have been exporting products worth GEL 10 million annually. Currently the volume stands at GEL 20-25 million,” Goglidze said, adding that Ukraine is the only country where exports of products have decreased.

As for the reasons for the growth in the export of products, Goglidze connects it with an ongoing Russia-Ukraine war.

“It was probably caused by the war because, for example, products from Ukraine were supplied to Europe and Georgia is probably one of their alternative import markets. In addition, it is easier to transport products from Georgia to Germany than from China or the USA,” Goglidze told BM.GE.

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