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Anti-Western Rhetoric With which the Georgian Dream leadership has put Georgia on a dangerous trajectory - US State Department

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We are deeply concerned about the bill that is being considered in the Georgian legislature - Antony Blinken is watching it very closely, - said Matthew Miller, the spokesperson of the US State Department.

He reiterated his concerns about the "Foreign Influence Transparency" bill, noting that since it is still a bill he would not comment on retaliatory measures.

"We are deeply concerned about the draft law, which is now being discussed in the Georgian legislature. We are also concerned and condemn the false narrative that Georgian officials have in defense of this bill, as well as the anti-Western rhetoric with which the Georgian Dream leadership has put Georgia on a dangerous trajectory and undermines Georgia's Euro-Atlantic aspirations and US-Georgia relations. It's still a draft bill and I won't comment, in advance, or discuss the specific responses we might get, but we've made it very clear how seriously we take this issue and how concerned we are…

I can assure you that he [Blinken] is watching this very closely, even though he's traveling around the world to other countries, but he's getting regular updates," US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said at a briefing.

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