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Average monthly remuneration of employed persons in business sector increased to GEL 2 007

Natiko Taktakishvili
04.12.23 17:00

In the III quarter of 2023 compared to the same quarter of previous year the volume of businesssector turnover increased by 8.8 percent and amounted to 51.7 billion GEL.

The production value of the business sector is characterized by the increasing tendency. In the III quarter of 2023, its volume equaled to 19.9 billion GEL, which is year-on-year 5.2 percent more.

In the III quarter of 2023, 64.2 percent of total turnover comes on large and 15.3 percent – on medium businesses while 20.5 percent is distributed to small business.

A small difference is in case of total production value: 44.4 percent comes on large, 23.1 percent – on medium and 32.5 percent on small businesses.

In III quarter of 2023, total purchases of goods and services carried out by enterprises equaled to 28.4 billion GEL (year-on-year 1.4 percent more), while the purchase goods and services for resale amounted 17.3 billion GEL (year-on-year 2.5 percent more).

In the III quarter of 2023, the average number of persons employed equaled to 757.9 thousand, which is year-on-year 4.8 percent more. Out of the total number of persons employed, 42.6 percent are female and 57.4 percent are male.

42.6 percent of total number of persons employed comes on large, 20.8 percent – on medium and 36.5 percent - on small businesses.

The total number of employees amounted 721.0 thousands (year-on-year 5.5 percent more). The total personnel costs of enterprises equaled to 4 419.0 million GEL (year-on-year 23.4 percent more).

In the III quarter of 2023, average monthly remuneration of employed persons equaled to 2 007.2 GEL (year-on-year increase by 293.0 GEL) while remuneration of employed women made up 1 537.1 GEL (year-on-year increase by 219.4 GEL). Average monthly remuneration of employed persons by
size of enterprises is as follows:


In the III quarter of 2023, the trade sector (including repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles) has the highest share (36.3 percent) in the total turnover in business sector, followed by arts, entertainment and recreation with 32.4 percent share, manufacturing – 8.2 percent, construction – 5.9 percent, transportation and storage – 4.9 percent and other sectors with 12.3percent share.

In the III quarter of 2023, manufacturing (20.3 percent), trade (19.8 percent), construction (17.3 percent), and transportation and storage (9.4 percent) are on the top four places in business sector production value. Rest of sectors have the 33.2 percent share.

In the III quarter of 2023, trade (wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles), manufacturing and Human health and social work activities are leading in business sector by number of employees (accordingly with 28.1 percent, 11.9 percent and 9.7 percent
share). However, Enterprises engaged in construction activities (8.8 percent), transportation and storage (8.1 percent), Information and communication (6.0 percent) and Accommodation and food service activities (5.3 percent) have also a significant share.

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