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Average monthly salary up by 11% in Azerbaijan

12.07.23 15:27
In the months of January-May of this year, the average monthly nominal salary of hired workers in the economy of Azerbaijan increased by 11.1% compared to the same period last year and amounted to 917 manats ($539.41), Report informs, citing the State Statistical Committee.

As of June 1, 2023, the number of hired workers in the country's economy reached 1,726,300 people (+20,300 people or 1.2%), with 898,600 employed in the public sector and 827,700 in the private sector.

Among the hired workers, 19.2% occupied positions in education, 18.7% in trade, repair of transport vehicles, 12.9% in the industrial sector, 8.3% in medical and social services provided to the population, 6.6% in construction, 6.5% in state management and defense; social security, 4.3% in transport and storage, 3.6% in agriculture, forestry, and fishery, 3.6% in professional, scientific, and technical activity, 2.1% in finance and insurance, and 14.2% in other economic spheres.

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