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Average Price Of Apartments In Gudauri Was Down By 3.5% y/y - G&T


Galt&Taggart published a report on Regional Residential Real Estate. According to the document, in 2023, the number of apartments sold in Gudauri reached 378 units, down 27.0% y/y (due to the record high base in 2022).

Total of 6 residential projects are currently under development in Gudauri. In 2023, small-sized apartment (26-50 m2) sales accounted for 87.4% of total sales, in line with existing trend. Moreover, almost half of the sold apartments were recorded in the upscale price segment ($1,201-1,800).

By end-2023, weighted average price of apartments in Gudauri was down by 3.5% y/y. Total market size of apartments sold in Gudauri stood at US$ 18.8mn, down by 26.0% y/y.

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