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Average salary in Israel falls

06.01.23 22:00
The average monthly salary in Israel in October 2022 was NIS 11,809 (US$ 3, 322), down from NIS 12,214 (US$ 3, 436) in September 2022 but up 4.3% from NIS 11,324 (US$ 3, 185) in October 2021, the Central Bureau of Statistics reports. This was the first time since May 2022 that the average monthly salary was below NIS 12,000 (US$ 3, 375).

Preliminary and partial data show that the average salary in November 2022 rose slightly from October to NIS 11,880 (US$ 3, 342), up 4.7% from NIS 11,351 (US$ 3, 193) in November 2021. But as inflation has been running at 5.3% over the past year, real salaries have been eroded.

In the tech sector the average salary in October 2022 was NIS 27,188 (US$ 7, 650), up 4.4% from NIS 26,038 (US$ 7, 325)  in October 2021, but here too the rise failed to compensate for inflation.

In October 2022, 389,000 jobs were in high-tech, up 7.7% from October 2021, while the number of overall jobs in the economy grew by 3.2%. 10% of the jobs in the Israeli economy are in the tech sector, Globes reports.

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