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BAT Updates Business Model; Keeps Brands on the Market

Natia Taktakishvili
20.01.21 15:15
British American Tobacco (BAT) confirmed BM.GE, that the company continues operating with updated business model on the Georgian market. The company explains, that similar changes are carried out in other countries as well.

“I would like to inform you that brands of British American Tobacco remain on the Georgian market. The company has important plans and they will be carried out through a local partner”, the company dealers.

BAT explains, that the business model is changed due to the BAT's global transformation strategy, which means forming a stronger, faster and easier organization. Company notes, that transformation strategy is being implemented worldwide.

“BAT team remains in Georgia jointly with T&R Distribution and we will offer new products to the customers in addition to the existed brands on the market (Kent, Lucky Strike, Pall Mall, Rothmans).”

The financial results of BAT for 2020 are still unknown. However, according to the 2019 financial reports published on reportal.ge, the company's revenue on the Georgian market was 151 million GEL. Distribution of BAT products is carried out by T&R Distribution Company. In 2019, the company's global sales amounted to 33 billion USD.

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