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Both Demand And Sales Have Decreased - "ISPACE"


Consumer activity in the country is decreasing, and there is talk of a sharp drop in sales in the retail sector. Some shopping centers, hardware stores, and online trading platforms say that they have had to adjust their sales plans for December, and the calculations that were made for the most profitable month of the year have become unattainable due to the ongoing political processes.

Hardware stores are also talking about a change in consumer behavior, as December is also their most profitable month of the year, although the sales pace has slowed down here too. The head of marketing at iSPACE says that due to the ongoing processes in the country, consumers are refraining from New Year's purchases for now. According to Levan Tagiashvili, if these processes continue, the effect of the current processes will become more apparent in 2025.

"Since these processes began, customer traffic has decreased, including demand and sales. We have suspended all communication since the first day of the protest, and naturally, this had its impact. As for future plans, since it is December and the New Year period, there is still activity, but we have quite a few plans for 2025. We want to open a new showroom. We are not just a hardware store, we also offer IT solutions to our B2B customers. According to Geostat, this sector has decreased by approximately 30%, and in fact, I can confirm that almost identical data is being recorded in this direction for us as well," says Levan Tagiashvili, Head of Marketing at ISPACE.

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