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Business Leaders Council by USAID and Georgian Business

20.03.22 18:02
Diversification on the EU market is not an easy task and it needs modern skills that match modern development of the technological age. I’m pleased to tell you that USAID and Georgian business leaders are working together to identify and build the skills of the workforce. By matching the skills demanded by businesses with workforce training, employees and businesses both win with higher-value jobs and more productive, competitive businesses. This week USAID launched the Business Leaders Council as part of its Industry-Led Skills Program. By working hand-in-hand with Georgia’s private sector, USAID will ensure the private sector plays a leading role in steering the program so that it generates innovative solutions inspired by Georgia’s private enterprises from growing economic sectors. And the Business Media Georgia group will take an active part in all of this. Mariam Adamia attended the event and now, she will tell us more.

A very interesting initiative, indeed. I will now give you a comprehensive follow-up on USAID and Georgian Business joint efforts with Giorgi Isakadze’s interview which was recorded in Forbes Studio.

Interview with Saba Sarishvili, USAID and Giorgi Khistovani, PMCG