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Construction Volume in Armenia Increases by 16.1% to $670.2 Million in the First Seven Months of 2024

Arshaluis Mgdesyan
06.09.24 15:15

According to Armenia's Statistical Committee, the volume of construction work in the country from January to July 2024 reached $670.2 million (in current prices), representing a 16.1% increase compared to the same period in 2023. In July 2024 alone, the construction volume amounted to $148.2 million, up 17.7% compared to July of the previous year.

A significant share of the total construction volume was financed from the state budget—$146.9 million, or 21.9%, marking a 38.4% increase. Construction funded by local communities totaled $25.4 million (3.8% of the total volume), a 17.3% decrease. The volume of work financed by humanitarian aid decreased by 28.6% to $4.8 million (0.7% of the total volume).

Organizations invested $317.8 million in construction (47.4% of the total), which is 2.9% less than last year. Meanwhile, individual contributions reached $175.2 million (26.2% of the total), showing a significant 64.9% growth.

Notably, the volume of construction funded by international loans more than doubled, increasing 2.1 times to $55.3 million (8.3% of the total). Among international financial institutions, the largest contribution came from the Asian Development Bank—$23.6 million. The World Bank provided $7.6 million, while both the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the European Investment Bank contributed $7.1 million each. The German Development Bank allocated $4.7 million, and other organizations contributed $5.1 million.

In terms of sectors, the largest share of construction work was related to real estate activities—$349.6 million (52.2% of the total volume). The transport sector ranked second with $93.0 million (13.9%), followed by electricity, gas, steam, and air conditioning supply, which accounted for $52.0 million (7.8%).

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