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Customers Know All About The Vehicle Spare Parts In 15 Minutes - Geparts

Natia Taktakishvili
28.10.22 18:00
Startup Geparts, founded in 2020, offers customers to find the desired vehicle spare parts. The startup was created by several business partners with their own resources. They rented office space, assembled a small team and intensified marketing activities.

Paata Beriashvili, founder and director of Geparts told TV-program "Business Morning" that the idea came to him while working in one of the large companies, then he realized that finding auto parts in the market was a problem.

"We want to make the searching process as comfortable as possible for car enthusiasts. The idea came to me while working in one of the companies. I myself was involved in the process of finding auto spare parts and realized that this is a big problem in the market. A person needs three to six hours to search for the desired auto part. However, there is no centralized system where you can go in and find a specific auto part.

Our platform has changed this reality. At Geparts, in a maximum of 15 minutes, the customer already knows how much the vehicle spare part costs, what brand it is, how long it will take to deliver a specific auto part. The main advantage of the startup is speed and the involvement of an auto expert," says the founder and director of Geparts.

"Geparts" has more than 1500 partners throughout Georgia. These data include individuals and legal entities. Startup customers have access to both used and new auto parts. The share of used parts in Geparts amounts to 60%.

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