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EU FMs arrived to demonstrate solidarity with Georgia's Euro-Atlantic aspirations - FM of Iceland

ისალანდიის საგარეო საქმეთა მინისტრი

“We’ve made this journey out of respect for Georgia, its leadership and its people,” said Thordis Kolbrun Reikfjord Gilfadottir, Foreign Minister of Iceland.

According to the FM of Iceland, the EU foreign ministers arrived in Georgia to demonstrate solidarity with Georgia’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations.

“We come here to show that we are all willing to demonstrate solidarity with Georgia’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations. I come from a small state that every day enjoys the benefits of safeguarding the values that we fear are being threatened by the legislation and what it really means.

In particular, I’m here to say that the values of freedom, human rights, democracy, and rule of law and not a price of admission into the Euro-Atlantic community, but the very real keys to increase prosperity and peace. We have learnt this from our own experience and have been fortunate to work closely with the Baltic states and have seen first-hand how their journey has brought prosperity to their societies.

We’ve made this journey out of respect for Georgia, its leadership and its people. We hope we’ll be able to count Georgia as a part of the world that sticks up for the liberties and rights that are being attacked by Russia, and that is actually reflected in over 85% support of the people of Georgia, supporting the trans-Atlantic path,” she said.

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