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Four MEPs call for sanctions against Georgian officials over Transparency Law

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13.05.24 16:30

The group of Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) has issued an appeal to the High Representative of the European Union, Josep Borrell, urging the imposition of sanctions against Ivanishvili, Kobakhidze, Papuashvili, and other Georgian MPs who support the law on “transparency of foreign influence”.

MEP Thijs Reuten shared the letter on the social networking platform X.

“Dear European Commission Vice-President/High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell.

“In view of the events in Georgia this morning, the possible swift final adoption of the law on transparency of foreign influence and the need to support Georgia’s free, pro-European people, we want to ask you the following urgent questions:

  1. Will the HR/VP ahead of the 27 May Foreign Affairs Council, propose the immediate imposition of targeted measures against Mr. Ivanishvili, Mr. Kobakhidze and Mr. Papuashvili, as well as imposition of such measures against all Members of the Parliament of Georgia who vote in favour of the law on transparency of foreign influence and repeal of any potential veto thereof issued by the President of Georgia, to go into effect immediately following the final binding vote?
  2. Will the HR/VP and Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Policy instruct the EEAS and DG NEAR respectively, to suspend any high-level engagement with the Government of Georgia objective of which is not to repeal the law, including by reallocating the financial support to strengthening Georgia’s civil society and to refrain from opening EU assession negotiations for as long as the law is in force?
  3. Does the HR/VP commit to summoning, upon adoption of the law, the Ambassador of Georgia to the EU in order to express the EU’s condemnation and convey his intention to take the above measures and will recalling the EU Ambassador for consultations be considered?” reads the letter signed by MEPs Thijs Reuten, Viola von Cramon-Taubadel, Petras Auštrevičius, Miriam Lexmann.

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