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"GD" has officially fallen into complete international isolation - Khazaradze


Mamuka Khazaradze, the leader of Lelo declares, that the ruling party "Georgian Dream" has officially entered into complete international isolation.

This is how he responded to the USA's announcement of "visa restrictions policy on persons responsible or complicit in undermining democracy and their family members" in Georgia.

As Khazaradze notes, the sanctions imposed by the Secretary of State are implemented to protect the Georgian people.

"Georgian Dream" officially fell into complete international isolation. The sanctions imposed by the Secretary of State will be implemented to protect the Georgian people, but most importantly, our strongest and most loyal partner, the US-Georgia bilateral cooperation is beginning to be reviewed, and if this process continues because of the "dream" Russian government, Georgia will lose billions of dollars in aid!

I want to call again and once again to all diplomats to immediately take the only decent step, which is to expose the Russian government and save the country! Stop the Russian law!" - says Khazaradze.

For information, according to US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, the State Department is implementing a new visa restriction policy for Georgia, which will apply to individuals who are responsible or complicit in undermining democracy in Georgia, as well as their family members. This includes individuals responsible for suppressing civil society and freedom of peaceful assembly in Georgia through a campaign of violence or intimidation.

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