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Georgia Received Record Income From Tourism In 2023 - TOP-10 Countries


The National Bank of Georgia (NBG) reports, that Georgia received a record income from tourism amounting to USD 4.125 billion in 2023. In the last 1 year, revenues from international travel have increased by USD 608.7 million.

Last year, Georgia received the highest income in the third quarter amounting to USD 1.447 billion. The country gained the highest revenues from Russian visitors, which exceeded USD 938 million.

Revenues From Tourism By Countries:

Russia - USD 938.3 million
Turkey - USD 639 million
EU / Great Britain - USD 6 million
Israel - USD 308.2 million
Ukraine - USD 5 million
Armenia - USD 161.4 million
Azerbaijan - USD 6 million
Iran - USD 128.2 million
Belarus - USD 102.7 million
Saudi Arabia - USD 100.7 million
Other countries - USD 879.2 million

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