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Georgian Banks Ranking By Profit

Natia Taktakishvili
31.01.23 13:00
14 Commercial banks operating on Georgian market have published their financial reports for 2022. The data submitted to the regulator revealed that the total net profit amounted to GEL 2.08 billion.

With GEL 924.3 mln by net profit the first in the ranking is Bank of Georgia. It is followed by TBC Bank with GEL 893,5 mln net profit. TOP-3 includes Liberty Bank, which earned a net profit of GEL 67 mln.

Profit per each bank out of a total fourteen for 2022

• Bank of Georgia – GEL 924,343,000
• TBC Bank - GEL 893 536 000
• Liberty Bank - GEL 66,940,000
• Basis Bank - GEL 54,306,000
• Cartu Bank - GEL 52,819,000
• Procredit Bank - GEL 48,030,000
• Credo Bank - GEL 33,746,000
• Terabank - GEL30,342,000
• Ish Bank - GEL 17,736,000
• Halyk Bank - GEL13,141,000
• Ziraat Bank - GEL 6,474,000
• VTB Bank - (-51 304 000 GEL)
• Silk Bank - (-2 884 000 GEL)
• Pasha Bank - (-2,132,000 GEL)

Overall profit of the sector would be much higher if it were not the loss of VTB Bank Georgia suffering GEL 51 mln, as well as Silk Bank (-2 884 000 GEL)and Pasha Bank (-2,132,000 GEL).

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