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Georgian Gov't Should Refrain From Meeting With European And American High Officials - People's Power


The Georgian government should refrain from meeting with European And American high officials, - reads the statement of People's Power.

In the same statement, it is stated that when the draft law "On transparency of foreign influence" was initiated in the Parliament of Georgia, it was stated that one of the main goals of the law was to strengthen the country's sovereignty. A few days ago it became known that the foreign ministers of 4 EU member states, Lithunia, Estonia, Iceland and Latvia are coming to Georgia. Also, the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the German Bundestag, Michael Roth, the Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee of the Lithuanian Seimas, Žygimantas Pavilionis, and the US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, James O'Brien.

“They have officially announced that the purpose of their visit to our country is to support the "Western course" of the country, but in fact, we all know very well that these people openly support the National Movement and attack the Georgian government. There are many facts confirming this.

I will cite only a few examples - Gabrielius Landsbergis: "Letting Saakashvili go abroad for treatment would be the best solution for him, his family and the country's European future";

Michael Roth: "Georgia's government did very little to deserve the candidate status";

James O'Brien: "Georgia is among the countries that cause problems for Russian sanctions avoidance";

Žygimantas Pavillionis: "Democracy is in danger, the Ivanishvili’s regime must pay."

These are completely non-European attacks on the legitimate government of Georgia, although the mentioned statements are a drop in the ocean compared to what these people have said about the various political processes taking place in our country.

Traditionally, Žygimantas Pavillionis stands out for his special aggression, which distinguished himself even when Prime Minister Giorgi Gakharia was dismissed by his patrons in order to force the revolutionary processes. Then Mr. Pavillionis first contacted the person Nika Melia, who was detained in the office of the National Movement, and then he came to Turkey and met the second wanted person, Mikheil Saakashvili, who was standing near the border of Georgia to organize the revolution, and openly provided political support to him. Pavillionis is a politician who had problems in his own country, with his own political team, and the President of Lithuania even had to apologize for his statements.

Considering these facts, it is difficult to imagine that the visit of the above-mentioned Western politicians to our country will serve the purpose mentioned by them, i.e. the support of the "Western course". It is obvious that their goal is to promote the radicalization of processes in Georgia, polarize the political process and society, and support the radical opposition. When the draft law on foreign transparency was initiated in the Parliament of Georgia, it was immediately stated that one of the main goals of the law was to strengthen the country's sovereignty. This spirit is directly contradicted by the statements made by foreign politicians regarding the transparency law, whose aim is to increase radicalism and unjustified interference in the country's internal affairs. Based on all of the above, we believe that the highest officials of the Georgian government should refrain from meeting with politicians who have come to destroy our country. Moreover, when we know for sure that the main goal of the statements made by them against the government of Georgia in the last two years is to involve our country in the war and to open a second front against Russia, the government should discuss whether these politicians deserve to be allowed into the country or not," says People's Power in the statement.

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