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Georgian opposition appeals to Congressman Joe Wilson

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The representatives of the Georgian opposition have addressed Congressman Joe Wilson regarding the MEGOBARI Act initiation.

In their letter, they express their gratitude for the strong support of the American people in the continuous struggle to protect Georgia’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, democracy, and Euro-Atlantic course.

“We hope that Congress and the Senate will work quickly and jointly to ensure the swift passage of this legislation, which builds on our friendship, extends aid and support to the Georgian people and empowers the United States government to act against those who oppress the Georgian people.

Legislation that provides swift action and imposes concrete consequences on those who undermine Georgia’s democracy and blatantly violate human rights can reverse this dangerous course and show the Georgian people that the United States stands with them in their commitment to democracy and a Euro-Atlantic future.

In the coming months, as we approach a critical point in our nation’s history, our citizens face unprecedented pressure and violence as we continue to fight for democracy and freedom. We welcome the support of our partners, including personal visits to protect Georgia’s democracy. We believe that visits from the congressional delegation to Georgia will greatly impact the support of the freedom-loving Georgian people and signal to the Georgian government that the people’s voices cannot be silenced forcedly.

In this regard, we also ask the US Congress to allocate the necessary human and financial resources to ensure proper observation of the October parliamentary elections in Georgia, as the risks are high and our Euro-Atlantic future is at a historic crossroads,” the letter reads.

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