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Georgian "Cheeseboat" thrives in New York’s fast food industry

Natia Taktakishvili
10.05.21 18:30
Family-owned Georgian bistro Cheeseboat moves to a new level in New York and starts cooperation with Urbanspace.
Urbanspace is a London-based business in the 1970s that helps individual entrepreneurs deliver their products to the consumers. The company is operating open-air markets in Manhattan, New York since 1993.
Open-air market Bryant Park hosts an average of 2 million visitors a month, so they can already taste Adjaraian khachapuri there.
As Keti Gochashvili, owner of the restaurant Cheeseboat tells the Business Course, cooperation with Urbanspace will be a new level for Georgian businesses.
"This is a collaboration with the City Hall and the biggest company Urbanspace. We are very happy to be invited to Bryant Park and hope that we will be invited to other markets as well. Our small step will be to open a new path for other Georgian businesses. Cheeseboat is launching Georgian fast food and our goal is to use neon with this inscription, which can be lit in as many places as possible,” said Keti Gochashvili.
The owner of the restaurant plans to make Georgian cheese as popular as Mozzarella or Feta.
"Khachapuri with Feta or Mozzarella is very popular. I want to start a campaign and let the customers know that real khachapuri is made with Suluguni and Imeretian cheese. We want to make Khachapuri with Georgian cheese at home. At this stage, we are negotiating with one of the Georgian cheese producers," she said.
Keti Gochashvili will soon offer American readers a cookbook about her New York business experience and Georgian cuisine. It worth noting that Cheeseboat first appeared in 2016 in Brooklyn.

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