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Geostat Sets 164 GEL as the New Subsistence Minimum

17.05.19 00:19
Subsistence Minimum for an average employable man has increased to 185 GEL in April 2019. According to the National Statistics Office of Georgia (Geostat), the same indicator amounted to 181,2 GEL in March.

The Subsistence Minimum for an average consumer was defined to be 163,9 GEL in April. According to the methodology used by Geostat, this is the amount of money, which the average consumer should spend in taxes, clothing, transportation and food for 30 days.

Geostat also published the data about the living wage for different family categories:

- Family that consists of 2 people - 262 GEL
- Family that consists of 3 people - 295 GEL
- Family that consists of 4 people - 327

According to Geostat the living wage for the family that consists of 5 people is 368,7 GEL, whereas for those with 6 or more family members - 435.9 GEL.

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