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Healthcare Association and Ministry of Health Reached An Agreement To Postpone Sanctions Imposition

Natia Taktakishvili
13.10.21 12:30
As a joint effort of the Healthcare Association and the Ministry of Health, the work to improve the Electronic Health Record System (EHR) is underway. An agreement has recently been reached to improve the system and postpone sanctions imposition. Consequently, penalty sanctions for medical institutions due to incorrect or delayed transmission of information will take effect in 2022 instead of October 1, 2021.

What is an Electronic Health Record System? – This is a database owned by the Ministry of Health, containing a detailed history of the patient – hospitalization cases and outpatient visits, which should be accompanied by financial information in the form of a calculation.

The terms of operation of the electronic registration system in Georgia was determined in 2019 by order of the Minister of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labor, Health and Social Affairs. Accordingly, all inpatient medical institutions providing services through the State health program are required to log information into the electronic system about the state of health of each citizen benefitting from the State program.

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