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IMF: The sector strategies are fragmented in Georgia

12.11.18 09:17
The sector strategies are fragmented, and the quality of costing in them varies greatly. Some strategies cover several ministries and some ministries have several strategies. Although about 60 sectoral strategies exist, they do not cover the full scope of government activities, and often are only concerned with new activities. Some have output and outcome indicators, but many do not.

They are often motivated by donors or the aim to attract donor support, as many sector strategies are structured to conform with donor approaches. They are often also motivated by ministries needing government endorsement of their strategies to a greater level of detail than is in Georgia 2020 or the Government Platform, in order to justify their action plans and funding. Another motivation is the need to unify the conceptual and technical framework for policy involving several ministries and agencies, e.g. the National Road Safety Strategy. They typically do not have distinct public investment components, and do not address the existing public capital stock.

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