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"Justice System Reforms Need to be More Expeditious - We Will Probably use Foreign Judges"

13.12.18 18:58
According to a statement made by the minister of Economy and Sustainable Development Giorgi Kobulia, the government must accelerate justice system reforms. The statement was made after a meeting with members of the Georgian Business Association. According to him, this was one of the discussion topics during the meeting. Kobulia says that this is something the government is working towards. “One of the main topics of the meeting was reforms for the justice system, that more is to be done and that steps must be taken forward to improve the justice system. To achieve this, the government is planning specific steps which include both bringing in international arbitration and commercial courts. Meanwhile, before we raise the qualifications of our judges, we will probably use foreign judges. All this is being planned but the pace needs to be faster. There were also discussions in which it was stated that the trials were often prolonged and there was an expressed desire to increase resources in order to speed up the pace of the trials” – Stated Kobulia

Author: Salome Metskhvarishvili

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