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Legal Affairs Committee disapproves President's motivated remarks on amendments to Election Code

იურიდიულ საკითხთა კომიტეტის სხდომა

The Georgian Parliamentary Legal Affairs Committee discussed and did not support the President’s motivated remarks on amendments to the Election Code.

Based on the remarks, a consultative group of the Central Election Commission (CEC), which is established within 10 days after the appointment of the Election Date, should not be established. An amendment on the so-called “deadlock mechanism” should not be made which says that if CEC fails to decide with the support of at least 2/3 of the full composition, the issue will be put for a vote again. The decision will be considered as made if it is supported by the majority.

The Legal Committee only took into account one point which says the activity of a temporary technical assistant of the election precinct should not affect the individual’s social aid or registration in the program of the socially vulnerable persons.

The Committee supported the draft bill’s initial edition through a vote.

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