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Meta faces $600 million lawsuit from Spanish media

Nanuka Narimanidze
05.12.23 20:00

A group representing 83 Spanish media outlets has filed a 550 million euro ($600 million) lawsuit against Facebook owner Meta Platforms, citing unfair competition in the advertising market in a case that could be replicated across the European Union, Reuters reports.

The AMI media association said in a statement on 4th of December, that the lawsuit was filed collectively by the newspapers with a commercial court last week, and allege Meta violated EU data protection rules between 2018 and 2023.

The newspapers argue that Meta's "massive" and "systematic" use of personal data of its Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp platform users gives it an unfair advantage of designing and offering personalised ads, which they say constitutes unfair competition.

The complainants, including Prisa - which publishes Spain's main newspaper El Pais - and Vocento, the owner of ABC, allege most of the ads placed by Meta use personal data obtained without express consent from clients.

This, they claim, violates the EU General Data Protection Regulation in force since May 2018 which demands that any website requests authorisation to keep and use personal data.

"Of course, in any other EU country, the same legal proceeding could be initiated" as it concerns an alleged violation of European regulations, Nicolas Gonzalez Cuellar, a lawyer representing the newspapers, told Reuters.

The lawsuit is the latest attempt by legacy media to fight tech giants in tribunals to protect their turf.

According to a Meta source familiar with the matter said the company was yet to receive the legal documents.

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