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NBG Acting Governor Met With Slovak National Bank Governor


Acting President of the National Bank of Georgia, Natia Turnava, hosted Peter Kazimir, the Governor at the National Bank of Slovakia.

During their discussions, the leaders of the central banks of both countries assessed Georgia’s stable macroeconomic environment and reviewed the structural reforms implemented by the Georgian National Bank.

The conversation also delved into the National Bank’s policy efforts to maintain price and financial stability. Notably, attention was drawn to Georgia’s below-target inflation rate and the high quality of its assets.

Natia Turnava highlighted that the Slovak side expressed readiness to assist the National Bank of Georgia, as it aspires to align with European Union standards, being a candidate country.

Furthermore, both parties agreed on the importance of future cooperation and discussed the possibility of signing a Memorandum of Understanding. President Peter Kazhimir’s visit to Georgia is part of the government delegation from the Slovak Republic.

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