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Number of transactions of residential flats in Batumi up by 7% - Colliers Georgia


In April 2024, the number of transactions of newly-built flats in Batumi has increased by 7% year over year, while a 9% YoY increase rate has been observed in the case of old flats,- according to the report on residnetial real-estate published by Colliers Georgia on Recov.ge

"In April 2024 the weighted average price of newly-built flats in Batumi increased by 12% equaling USD 1,155 per sq m, while the figure for old flats recorded a 1% decrease to USD 682 per sq m.

As of April 2024, the number of transactions of residential flats in Batumi has increased by 7% to 1,263 units. The market size has increased by 26% standing at USD 67 millions.

As of March 2024, the number of transactions of residential flats in Batumi has decreased by 20% to 1,185 units. The market size has declined by 14% standing at USD 56 millions.

As of the first quarter of 2024, the number of transactions of residential flats in Batumi has decreased by 24% to 3,374 units. The market size has declined by 20% standing at USD 152 millions",- the odcument reads.

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