Natia Turnava talks about overriding the President's veto on the "offshore law" with BMG and notes that the legislative change will not have an impact on financial transactions anyway.
"This law has nothing in common with the financial sector and financial transactions. Its impact on the financial sector will be zero, because financial transactions are exempted from taxes, and the law refers to tax relief and not to the financial sector", - explains the Acting President of the NBG.
According to her, the legislation of Georgia effectively protects the financial system from money laundering.
"As for, "black money" inflow in Georgia, we have such a strong legal framework that protects the financial system from money laundering and evasion of sanctions, that not a single similar fact has been detected so far, and we will control it as much as possible in the future", says Turnava.
On May 20, at the meeting of the Finance and Budget Committee of the Parliament, the so-called motivated remarks of the President on the "Offshore Law" were discussed, which the committee did not support.