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On October 26, the Georgian people will have the opportunity to decide their future - EU Ambassador

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20.09.24 15:29

“We sincerelyOn October 26, the Georgian people will have the opportunity to decide their future - EU Ambassador hope that the electoral campaign will be peaceful, free from violence and that the elections will be fair,” stated Pawel Herczynski, the Ambassador of the European Union to Georgia. He emphasized the EU’s readiness to respond if conditions deteriorate.

Herczynski noted that the European Union is closely monitoring developments in Georgia, expressing concerns at the highest levels about the country’s trajectory and the need for reforms that align with EU standards.

“Unfortunately, recent events have increased the distance between Georgia and the EU. Our member states have discussed this, and we have made it clear that all options are on the table, including the temporary suspension of the visa regime based on developments.

We sincerely hope that the electoral campaign will be, peaceful, that there will be no violence, the elections will be free and fair. But in case things deteriorate, of course, we are in a position to use different elements of our toolbox. The temporary suspension of the free visa regime is one. There’s no other way out of the situation,” he said.

He underscored the importance of the upcoming elections, stating, ” On October 26, the Georgian people will have the opportunity to decide their future. This is a moment where the population has a right to choose their leaders and representatives. We strongly encourage everyone to vote. This is a constitutional right, but this is also a civic duty to take part in elections.”

Herczynski encouraged everyone to participate, assuring that the EU would recognize the results of free and fair elections and work with the newly formed government.

The ambassador stressed that Georgia’s aspiration to join the EU comes with the requirement to respect fundamental principles, such as democracy, the rule of law, and human rights, including minority rights. “If Georgia wants to join the EU family, they must be fully upheld,” he concluded.

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