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People To Attend Events With Vaccination Certificate Or Negative PCR Test - Gov't

Natia Taktakishvili
14.09.21 10:00
Inter-Agency Coordination Council declares, that under the current regulations, people may attend various events (e.g. conferences, training sessions, sports tournaments, etc.) with evidence of vaccination or negative PCR test taken within the past 72 hours or negative antigen test result taken within the past 24 hours. Council has decided that this category will be extended to include people, who have been infected with COVID-19 in the past 6 months. This period of time will be calculated after 14 days from a positive lab test.

In addition, students who are not remotely studying medicine and need to practice, will be required to present evidence of vaccination or negative PCR test results taken once a week at their own expense or evidence that were infected with COVID in the past 6 months. The Coordination Council stresses that testing remains to be free for target groups defined in the applicable Government Decree and nothing has changed in that regard.

Meanwhile, the remote work regime is kept to the maximum extent in the public sector and a similar recommendation is given by the Council to the private sector. Besides, the Coordination Council has decided to reopen the children entertainment centers from October 4 in the country if a stable community transfer rate is maintained.

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