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Per capita tax in Armenia rises to $1923 - Minister

Arshaluis Mgdesyan
12.06.24 17:45

In 2023, the average per capita tax in Armenia amounted to nearly 750,000 drams ($1923). This was announced by Finance Minister Vahe Hovhannisyan while presenting the annual report on the execution of the state budget.

For comparison, five years ago, this figure was 424,000 drams ($883), and ten years ago it was 331,000 drams ($805).

Hovhannisyan emphasized that the increase in the average tax reflects the improvement in the country's prosperity and competitiveness. He noted that the government strives to ensure fair and equitable distribution of the tax burden. Taxes not only meet financial needs but also contribute to the restoration of socio-economic justice.

According to the minister, tax evasion harms public goods and undermines citizens' trust. He stated that tax-evading entrepreneurs are no less guilty than corrupt public officials.

In 2023, 94.2% of Armenia's budget revenues were generated from taxes and duties, which is 0.7% higher than last year's figure. Hovhannisyan added that tax exemptions cost Armenia $1.74 billion, and their review will continue.

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