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PM Addresses European Council President

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The Prime Minister of Georgia, Irakli Garibashvili, sends a letter to the President of the European Council, Charles Michel.

The letter states that Georgian nation and government expect EU member states to make a strategic and forward-looking decision this week that will firmly link Georgia, a future EU member state, to the family of European democracies.

According to the Prime Minister, granting the candidate status will give an additional impetus to the establishment of long-term peace in Georgia.

"Dear Mr. President,

I would like to use this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude for your personal support for Georgia's EU aspirations. The recognition of Georgia's European perspective in June 2022 has opened an entirely new chapter in our relationship with the EU. The above historic decision of the EU leaders landed a powerful message confirming that Georgia will become a member of the European Union.

There is no doubt that EU membership comes with long-term commitments and responsibilities. My government remains futly mobilized and resolved to continue and further accelerate reforms necessary on the EU accession path.

Dear Mr. President, since 2012, Georgia has demonstrated its robust commitment to become an EU member state. The far-reaching Association Agreement, the DCFTA, the visa-free travel, a strong security partnership, enhanced trade relations, and advanced cooperation in various sectors are the most vivid examples of our ever-growing partnership with the EU and its institutions. Since June 2022, my country has also demonstrated its strongest will to address 12 priorities provided by the European Commission's Opinion on Georgia's EU membership application. Importantly, our government has delivered concrete results translated into specific actions and massive legislative work implemented by Georgia to honor its commitments and progressively align with the EU acquis.

As a result, we were delighted with the European Commission's recommendation to the Council to grant the candidate status to Georgia based on positive assessments reflected in the Communication of the European Commission on Enlargement Policy 2023 and the accompanying report on Georgia. The European Commission's recommendation reaffirms our resolve to continue delivering on our far-reaching European reform agenda.

Based on substantial progress demonstrated by Georgia and recent steps undertaken by the legislative and executive bodies, including steps addressing the European Commission's recommendations of November 8, I would like to express my firm belief that the EU will continue standing by Georgia by making another historic decision to grant the candidate status. This decision will put Georgia on an irreversible track towards accession negotiations to become a full-fledged member of the EU.

This is a watershed moment for Georgia's European future, and equally for the credibility of the EU's enlargement policy as a geostrategic investment in peace, stability, and prosperity in the whole of Europe. In the heavily contested region, we continue strengthening Georgia's role as a stronghold of regional peace and stability, democratic development, and cooperation; as well as a crucial link on the global connectivity map offering alternative routes for energy, freight transportation, and trade in the Black Sea. We are confident that Georgia, as a future EU member state, will play a key role for the common good of Europe.

Granting candidate status also will serve as an additional impetus for establishing lasting peace in Georgia. Let me express appreciation to the EU for the unwavering support to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia, as well as valuable contribution and support to the peaceful resolution of the Russia-Georgia conflict. We believe that strong engagement of the EU and its member states will be critical to ensure that Georgia's occupied regions will be peacefully re-integrated and divided communities will be reconciled.

The future of Georgia lies in the EU, and there is no alternative to it. Our nation and my government expect that EU member states will take strategic and a forward-looking decision this week that will firmly anchor Georgia - a future EU member state - with the family of European democracies.

Relying on our continued cooperation to make Georgia's dream a reality, please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration", - PM said.

Georgian Prime Minister sent letters to the European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen, European Council President Charles Michel, and leaders of EU 27 member states, including chairman country Spain’s PM Pedro Sánchez.

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