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PM Met With Georgia’s Ambassadors to Europe and US


Georgia's foreign policy priorities, the challenges facing the country, and plans for the future were discussed by Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze at today's meeting with Georgia's Ambassadors to Europe and the US, in Berlin.

The Head of Government emphasized the special importance of the work of Georgian diplomats toward protecting Georgia's interests in the international arena and thanked them for their service.

According to the Prime Minister, an ambassadorial is an important format for meetings with Ambassadors, because it offers a good opportunity for detailed discussions on the country's pressing topics, foreign policy agenda priorities, ways to tackle existing challenges, and plans for the future.

The Foreign Minister pointed out that Ambassadors convening in a European capital has become a very important tradition for both coordinating diplomats and further deepening bilateral relations.

At the meeting, held in the form of a discussion, the Ambassadors received concrete instructions from the Prime Minister.

Besides Georgia's Ambassadors to European countries, the participants of the ambassadorial included the country's Permanent Representatives to the EU and NATO, and other international organizations, and Georgia's Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United States of America.

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