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Pompeo to Gakharia: We Will Deal With the Virus Together and Revive the Economy Too

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18.11.20 12:00
"The whole world, including Georgia, is facing the challenge of the virus from China. Together we will deal with it, take care of our people and develop the economy, which is very important for the well-being of your country, region, and the world," said US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo during the meeting with Prime Minister Giorgi Gakharia.
According to him, the United States and Georgia have had excellent friendly relations for 30 years.
"Mr. Prime Minister, I am thrilled to be here. Fundamental issues will be discussed, and all the aspects you have listed have been marked accordingly. We have been wonderful friends for 30 years. We support you on a democratic path. We will work together on issues related to the pain and hardships caused by the occupation.
We will do everything in the future to support the democratization process in your country, to strengthen the institutions that are important for free and fair elections, and all that comes from healthy discussion and democracy. Thank you for your hospitality. I appreciate this opportunity, and I am glad to meet you, "said Michael Pompeo.
According to the US Embassy in Georgia, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met with Prime Minister Giorgi Gakharia and Foreign Minister David Zalkaliani to discuss US support for Georgia's Euro-Atlantic aspirations and the strengthening of the country's democratic institutions. According to him, the Secretary of State also stressed the importance of electoral and judicial reforms.

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