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President Issued The Act Of Awarding Members Of The National Football Team In May - Administration

Natiko Taktakishvili
13.06.24 19:00

The President issued the act of awarding the members of the national football team in May, and the awarding ceremony will be held in September, - stated in the information released by the Presidential Administration.

As mentioned in the statement, disinformation was spread today, as if the President refuses to award the members of the national football team and the representatives of the national football federation.

"According to the existing practice, the President of Georgia issues the act of awarding a few days before the awards are presented. This is what happened this time as well, on May 23, 2024, the President of Georgia issued decrees (n:23/05/02 and n:23/05/01), which awarded the nominated persons with an Order of Honor and a medal. At the end of May, it was planned to hold an official awarding ceremony in the Orbelian Palace, but it was not possible due to the absence of the members of the national team in Georgia.

The next meeting of the national team will be held in Georgia at the beginning of September. It is at this time that the President of Georgia will present awards to the members of the national team and representatives of the Football Federation in the Orbeliani Palace," the statement said.

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