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Tax Revenue in Armenia’s Budget Increases Nearly 50% Over Three Years

Arshaluis Mgdesyan
30.10.24 19:15

According to Armenia’s Parliamentary Budget Department, tax revenues and state duties collected over the first 9.5 months of 2024 amounted to $4.83 billion, showing growth compared to previous years.

As of October 20, 2024, Armenia’s state budget had received a total of 1.8727 trillion drams ($4.83 billion) in tax revenue and state duties, which accounts for 71.6% of the annual target.

This figure represents a 6.2% increase over the same period last year. Compared to 2022, tax revenue increased by 21%, and by 47.7% in comparison with 2021.

The data from Armenia’s Parliamentary Budget Department indicates steady growth in tax contributions to the state budget over the past three years.

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