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Termination Of Visa Liberalization Is No Longer Unreal - Kakachia


Korneli Kakachia, director of the Georgian Institute of Politics declares, that termination of visa liberalization with Europe will largely depend on the results of the elections.

According to him, EU member states do not want to punish the Georgian people, but on the other hand, it is difficult to continue communication with the existing government, especially after the rhetoric started on the topic of the "Global War Party".

"Future decisions will largely depend on how things will develop around "Russian Law". If the government takes it as it is today, there will be a backlash, including personal sanctions from various countries. The European Union cannot make quick decisions, they will wait for the results of the parliamentary elections. The leaders of the European Union do not want to punish the Georgian people for the irresponsibility of the government, and therefore this debate is still ongoing, however, it is not as unreal, as it seemed until now.

It seems that Georgia formally wants to join the European Union, and its government makes absolutely different decisions and has different rhetoric. This causes uncertainty and the opinion is formed that it is almost impossible to talk about common sense with the Georgian authorities, especially after the topic of the Global War Party," Kakachia said.

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