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The average market exchange rate of the dollar in Armenia has decreased, and the euro has also fallen

Arshaluis Mgdesyan
16.04.24 22:38

The average exchange rate of the dollar in Armenia has decreased, and the euro has also fallen.

According to the trading results on April 16, 2024, the average exchange rate of the US dollar to the Armenian dram decreased to 395.24 drams, which is 0.52 points lower than on April 15.

The euro rate also dropped by 1.78 points to 419.98 drams, while the Russian ruble decreased by 0.03 points to 4.20 drams, according to the Central Bank of Armenia.

Meanwhile, prices for gold and silver have also declined.

According to the latest data, the price of gold decreased by 768.27 drams and reached 29788.36 drams.

The price of silver also decreased by 7.92 drams to 361.39 drams.

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