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The Fact That Vaccine Causes Infertility Has No Scientific Basis - Former Consultant of AstraZeneca

Natia Taktakishvili
09.09.21 12:00
Dea Gogishvili, a former consultant of AstraZeneca declares that new vaccines are always related with different myths and this is not the first case.

"New myths about vaccines are easily spread, for example we often hear that the vaccine causes infertility, DNA changes and etc. It is a myth that COVID-vaccine is experimental, it has gone through all the stages required for the vaccine, there are no gaps in these studies. It is observed that the technology of their creation is old and has been working for many decades. This method was not created yesterday or the day before yesterday. As for the DNA mutation or the fact that the vaccine can cause infertility, it lacks any scientific basis, there is no scientific doubt about it", - explains Dea Gogishvili.

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