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The Hotel is Loaded With 80% - "Green Hotel Ureki"

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Irina Sturua, the founder of Green Hotel declares that the hotel occupancy rate is high at Ukreki resort, located in Guria region, if the hotel has the appropriate accommodation conditions. As of her, "Green Hotel Ureki" is working with online platforms Booking.com and AirBnB, and the occupancy rate equlas to 80% during the summer.

"If the hotel has good conditions and offers everything to the guests, then the hotel is busy. But hotels, that have shared bathrooms for guests, are less loaded. It can be said that they just started the season," says Irina Sturua.

The manager of Green Hotel also notes that a large number of guests come from European countries.

"Our visitors come from European countries. They are mostly from Germany, we also have French guests," says Sturua.

As for the cost of accommodation in Green Hotel, it varies according to room categories and, after last year, has been slightly adjusted.

"Compared to the previous year, the prices have increased a little, but insignificantly. As for the prices, they are different, depending on the room type and it costs GEL 100 on average," says Sturua.

According to her, the beaches are cleaned very well, but the necessary infrastructure for tourists has not been arranged yet, although the cleanliness is definitely preserved.

In 2022, a new boulevard was built in Ureki, for which 3.1 million GEL was spent from the country's budget. The works included the reconstruction of the central entrance of the boulevard, the complete dismantling of the pedestrian path and construction of new public beach showers.

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