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The Law on Family Values ​​and Protection of Minors is the most popular law - Speaker

შალვა პაპუაშვილი

The law on family values ​​and protection of minors is the most popular law, which has the absolute support of the population, said the chairman of the parliament, Shalva Papuashvili.

As the Chairman of the Parliament mentioned, we saw the support of the people for family values ​​and the protection of minors yesterday, and of course, with this support and legitimacy, the Parliament will start considering the draft law.

"Today, the entire package was made public, everyone can get acquainted with this package before it comes to the bureau. We saw two things from yesterday's reactions. One, the opposition, as you saw, is confused and we have no reaction from them. They seem to be waiting for a reference from the outside. As was the case with the Transparency Law project, they were quiet at first and began to make noise after receiving instructions from the outside. Even now, it seems, they are waiting from the outside for what guidance they will have.

As for the package itself, a public referendum was already held on May 17 and it has public support. If the law of transparency is the most Georgian law, this law will be the most public law. We saw this support from the people yesterday as well, and of course, with this support and legitimacy, the Parliament will start considering the draft law. As for the speculations, I didn't see much, because it's hard to come up with any arguments to connect with this package. Everyone knows very well that this is the most popular law, which has the absolute support of the country's population", said Shalva Papuashvili.

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