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The Parliament Endorsed Draft Law On the Prosecutior's Office


The Parliament discussed for the I reading and adopted with 82 votes and in expedited manner the Draft Organic Law on Prosecutor’s Office, establishing the I, II and III ranks in the organization.

The ranking system shall be uniform for the Prosecutor’s Office, Abkhazia and Ajara ARs, Tbilisi, District and Regional Prosecutor’s Offices, and Specialized Prosecutors and Investigators; the ranking shall as well apply to the prosecutor and the investigator of the Prosecutor’s Office.

The Draft re-determines that the practitioners of the Prosecutor’s Office shall not mandatorily have higher legal education, and that the salary for the professional public officer of the Prosecutor’s Office may include the wage for the title and the supplement for working experience, the amount of which is determined by the Prosecutor General, and the salaries for the prosecutor and investigator of the Prosecutor’s Office may include the rank supplement.

Besides, the title wave and the working supplement shall be maintained to the officer of the Prosecutor’s Office during the terminated authority, and the rank supplement is maintained for the prosecutor and investigator of the Prosecutor’s Office.

The Draft is initiated by MPs Anri Okhanashvili, David Matikashvili, Guram Macharashvili, Rati Ionatamishvili, Irakli Shatakishvili, Aluda Gudushauri, Mikheil Sarjveladze and Tengiz Sharmanashvili.

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