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The US Only Wants Peace, Prosperity And Independence For Georgia -  US Ambassador to Georgia

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The United States only wants peace, prosperity and independence for Georgia, and we will continue to cooperate with every Georgian to support an open and successful Georgia, - said US Ambassador to Georgia Robin Dunnigan during his speech at the event dedicated to the US Independence Day.

Robin Dunnigan spoke about the idea of ​​freedom and said that freedom has a great price. According to the ambassador, in many places around the world we see people who are afraid of democracy - we see those who instill fear instead of inspiring progress and those who prefer the use of force to peaceful coexistence, although the ambassador believes that democracy will win.

The ambassador congratulated the Georgian national football team on their historic participation in the European Championship.

"Mogesalmebit! Thank you all for coming. And thank you to the wonderful Gori Girls Choir for the beautiful renditions of our national anthems!

On Independence Day Americans gather to celebrate our freedom. It is a day when we reflect on the tremendous sacrifices made for our independence, a day when we remember that freedom is not free. But it is also a day of celebration, a day of optimism and joy.

So I would like to start this evening’s celebration by congratulating the team that has brought all of Georgia, and all of us who love Georgia, so much joy and optimism – Gilotsavt to the National Soccer Team and to all Georgians for your historic showing in the European Championships!

The core of the American dream is the belief that if you live in a free society and work hard, then you can create a better life for your children and future generations. This belief and optimism are at the core of the American spirit.

And I believe these are also at the core of the Georgian spirit. I have been struck time and again by the similarity between Georgians and Americans when it comes to this optimism about our future and our children’s future. The belief that we can and we will continue to improve our lives and strengthen our nations.

But to continue to improve, we must continue to work at it. For 248 years, Americans have fought on the fields of battle, they have fought in the halls of political power, and they have fought in the courtrooms of justice to improve our democracy and live up to our nation’s promise.

Americans have marched through streets, over bridges, sat at lunch counters, and at the front of a bus, all in pursuit of a singular goal—to make the United States a more perfect union.

The path has never been easy, and the challenges have at times seemed insurmountable. But through it all, we have never given up and we have always come through the better for it.

The people of Georgia also have a long history of striving for their independence and for a shared dream that one day their children will inherit a more perfect world.

One hundred and six years ago, the people of Georgia came together to forge a new and independent nation. Igniting the promise that Georgia would hold sovereign power and ensure the civil and political rights of its citizens.

But Georgia’s path, like America’s, has not always been easy. Like Americans, Georgians have had to work continuously to ensure their independence.

We honor those Georgians who in 1978 guaranteed that the Georgian language and national identity would not be erased.

We honor the thousands of Georgians who in April 1989 bravely gathered and demanded their independence. Peacefully demonstrating, arm-in-arm in the face of Soviet tanks and rifles.

We honor the Georgian people and armed forces who in 2008 courageously fought to defend Georgia’s sovereignty from Russian invasion.

Today, in numerous places across the world we see some who are threatened by democracy — those who are stoking fears rather than inspiring progress and taking by force rather than living in peace.

But I believe democracy will prevail. And that as democracies we can succeed in making our nations better for the generations that come after us.

The United States wants nothing more than peace, prosperity, and independence for Georgia. We will continue to work with all Georgians to support a Georgia that is open, prosperous, and able to defend itself. We will support Georgia’s education system and economic growth. We will support Georgia’s rich cultural heritage and vibrant civil society.

Our strategic partnership over the past 32 years has been an incredible success story for both of our nations, benefitting Americans and Georgians. And because of Georgia’s progress through decades of hard work and partnership with the United States and our European partners and Allies, the people of Georgia have earned the opportunity to one day join the European Union. I hope Georgia seizes this opportunity.

Let me take a moment to thank the incredible team here at the Embassy for all you do to support the United States and our partnership with Georgia, and for organizing this tremendous celebration. Thank you also to our generous sponsors for your support! Thank you – all of you here – for your friendship and partnership with the United States. And thank you to our men and women in uniform here, Americans and Georgians, who take the greatest risks of all to defend our freedom.

Let me close by reiterating that our Independence Day is a remembrance that the pursuit of liberty is an ongoing journey. It is a remembrance that there is power in optimism, power in fighting to strengthen our democracies, and power in standing shoulder-to-shoulder in defense of the principles that unite us.

Please join me in raising a glass to toast to our freedom, our partnership, and our children’s future. Happy Birthday America!", the ambassador noted.

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