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Top-10 Major Commodity Groups by Exports – what does Georgia sell abroad?

19.03.21 14:00

Geostat published the external merchandise trade (excluding non-declared trade) of Georgia for January-February 2021. According to the report, exports equaled USD 494.7 million (6.8 percent lower), while the imports stood at USD 1 159.3 million (14.1 percent lower). The negative trade balance was USD 664.6 million in January-February 2021 and its share in external trade turnover constituted 40.2 percent.

Top-10 Major Commodity Groups by Exports:

  1. Copper ores and concentrates - $ 94.7 million, increase of 5.1% y-o-y;
  2. Ferroalloys - $ 52.1 million, increase of 23% y-o-y;
  3. Cars - $ 49.9 million, decrease of -52.5% y-o-y;
  4. Wine of fresh grapes - $ 26 million, decrease of -8.3% y-o-y;
  5. Mineral or chemical fertilizers, nitrogenous - $18.5 million USD, decline of -8.5% y-o-y;
  6. Waters, natural or artificial mineral and aerated waters, not containing added sugar - $18.4 million USD, increase of 17% y-o-y;
  7. Spirituous beverages - $18.3 million, growth of 18.8% y-o-y;
  8. Hazelnuts and other nuts – $16.3 million, growth of 125% y-o-y;
  9. Medicaments put up in measured doses - $9.2 million, growth of 15% y-o-y;
  10. Gold - $8.8 million, decline of 42.3 % y-o-y.

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